Waiting for Obama

It’s another night of live-blogging, maybe some pizza, perhaps a Tecate or two, who knows? Right now I am not watching channel 11 as they blabber on about nothing, especially David Brooks. Instead I’m reading an article the Nitz just sent me on Jeff Mangum of Neutral Milk Hotel, someone whose music has taken up a part of my life recently. Great, interesting story.

Cubs game tonight too, and as an added bit of excitement they have installed instant replay, starting tonight. That was unexpected. Or, I didn’t know they were even thinking of doing that. Well, game at 7, Obama later, and I have consulted with my D-Town correspondent and hope to have a full report tomorrow on the goings-on there. I’ll be back when things start heating up!

Whoa! Almost forgot, the Bears are playing too! But it’s the final preseason game, and as I flip over to it, it’s already 10-0 Cleveland. So that’s not looking good. They’re a little…troubled this year, the Bears. Back to the DNC and Tim Kaine is on quoting gospel stuff. Alright. Whatever, dude. Now he’s speaking Spanish. Hmmm, time for a Tecate?

Bill Richardson. Yeah! Nice line on the flip-flops! Shit, bases juiced for the Phillies, already 1-0. Whew, strikeout! Nice escape job there by Dempster. Richardson is speaking Spanish too! I’ve got two cats around me, laptop on my lap, remote control by my side. I can’t get up! Where’s my lovely pregnant wife when I need her to get me a beer? Stevie Wonder! Now Grossman throws a TD, it’s 10-7 Cleveland. OK, I just ordered a pizza from Father & Son, cheese and sausage, free with 20 cards. Yeah, we eat there a lot.

“Signed, Sealed, Delivered” by Stevie! This laptop is hot and I need to get up. Who’s fired up and ready to go? Not these cats. They’re flopped out all over me. I missed Clinton last night, and Biden, the whole thing. Sounds like they did a good job. I was busy with Rock and Roll.

Al Gore! You go, guy. Shoulda been president. We really missed out on that one. I’ll never forgive Florida for that. They just showed that dude from “Lost” at Mile High Stadium (whatever it’s called). Jin? Pizza arrives and boy, is it delicious. That was quick. Gore finishes and David Brooks, like the tool he is, says that he (Gore) blew it back in 2000. The other guy in the studio says that Gore got however million more votes than Bush so I don’t know how he blew it exactly. Nice.

10-10 at halftime, Cubs still down 1-0. And Brooks continues to blabber. Now it’s Eisenhower’s daughter. I don’t know if she’s Republican but she’s dressed like one. She’s got the hair, the earrings and red dress, the whole uniform. Yep, they just said that she was a lifelong Republican until this year. Alright then, welcome. Now change your outfit and smoke a joint. Have a beer, for crissakes! Alright, I will!

Here’s Biden! As I pour my Tecate…Alright, Cubs tie it up! 1-1, and a quick check on the meaningless Bears game and it’s 13-10, they’re up! Things are turning our way! I thought this might be lame but these regular people speaking are all pretty good. Certainly no lack of energy. Well, this former Republican Barney Smith was lagging and then he pulled out the Smith Barney-Barney Smith line and the place breaks up. Funny.

Cubs go down 2-1 but it’s still early. Make that 3-1. Meanwhile, getting dark in Denver, who’s next? A commercial on PBS. Shit, 4-1. Come on, let’s get it together, Cubs! Now here’s Durbin. Let’s do this! Before he comes on I was looking around and I see that David Duchovny has entered rehab for sex addiction! Californication! That’s funny, I love that show, I’ve been watching it on Netflix.

Here’s the feel-good video. Just thinking about something: I heard that these “Christian folk” had been praying for bad weather in Denver for this outdoor ceremony; by all appearances it is the most perfect night. So just, yeah, fuck you, “Christian-type” people who don’t practice Christian-like behavior. And, oh yeah, god doesn’t listen to you!

Well, I don’t think I can write for a while…wow. Awesome. Huge.

OK. Whoo! Whoa. Yeah! The speech ends and despite the cheesy-ass song they play–what is that, some country redneck shit?–I am truly moved and inspired by this. That was a great speech. No stone unturned. Bold and full of details, but yet not at all lacking in excitement. Fantastic. During the speech I flipped on the laptop to show the Cubs game and saw that Ramirez hit a grand slam, but I never could turn away. Now it’s over and the Cubs win again, 6-4! I see that the Bears won too, there’s a surprise.

Some highlights:

The reality of gun ownership may be different for hunters in rural Ohio than for those plagued by gang-violence in Cleveland, but don’t tell me we can’t uphold the Second Amendment while keeping AK-47s out of the hands of criminals.

I know there are differences on same-sex marriage, but surely we can agree that our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters deserve to visit the person they love in the hospital and to live lives free of discrimination.

And this is just perfect, regarding MLK’s “I have a dream” speech:

The men and women who gathered there could’ve heard many things. They could’ve heard words of anger and discord. They could’ve been told to succumb to the fear and frustration of so many dreams deferred.

But what the people heard instead – people of every creed and color, from every walk of life – is that in America, our destiny is inextricably linked. That together, our dreams can be one.

As for those who hear anger and discord, you only need to look to The Corner at NRO:

There’s a fine line between indignant and angry, and Obama is swerving back and forth all over it.

The crowd is loving this Fighting Barack, but several times he’s seemed angry to the point of stridency.

Instead of “I Have a Dream” … I have a grievance.

It’s like they’re a parody of the past, except that this is their Now. And John McCain is what they’re stuck with. Sucks to be them. For another view, Andrew Sullivan sums it up:

I’ve said it before – months and months ago. I should say it again tonight. This is a remarkable man at a vital moment. America would be crazy to throw this opportunity away. America must not throw this opportunity away.