A Day Late, More Than a Few Dollars Short

Catching up on Oscar winners, I quickly watched Man on Wire, the documentary winner, which is available on the Netflix instant watch and loved it. I have written about this before, the man who walked across the World Trade Centers on a wire, Phillipe Petit, and the story is just amazing. Even if the towers had never fallen it would still be a captivating and beautiful moment when this man walks as if on a cloud, living more than a thousand percent.

And, as a commie, homo-loving son of a gun, I still have not seen Milk but would highly recommend the documentary The Times of Harvey Milk, which is available on various film sites in its entirety. I hope President Obama was watching his Sean Penn’s speech; as I’ve said many times, we will look back on this discussion of equal rights for gays as an embarrassment. It is indeed inevitable, as was women’s rights, ending slavery, and a non-White president. What, exactly, are we waiting for–the wackos to tell us it’s ok?

One other Oscar note: Bill Maher had a nice aside joking about the snub of his documentary Religulous, another film I have not yet seen. “I know, it’s a touchy subject. But someday, we all have to confront the notion that our silly gods cost the world too greatly. But there I go, ruining the ending.” Not much more I can add to that.