Dead Air

Steve Dahl in the Trib talks about the loss of radio’s voices in Chicago, and I would imagine, everywhere else. I truly do miss those days when Howard Stern and Dahl and others would get me through a work day. Music too, of course, but never on radio. It’s been a long time since a radio station has introduced me or anyone else to a new band.

But this isn’t about the music. I really hate that these personalities are being driven away or pushed out by people who have no clue about radio, people like Marv Nyren of WLUP, who I’ve met before and who very clearly has no idea how to run a station. And the method by which ratings are measured are just stupid. You carry these devices around with you wherever you go, like little pagers? Who thought that was a good idea?

Maybe it’s just the way I always listened but I have great appreciation for those who sit and talk/improvise for hours, the way Dahl and Stern did. And not about politics or anything, just goofin’. It appears that this is mostly gone, and I think that sucks.