The Noble Cause of The Teabagging Pro-Life Movement

Don’t be surprised when fringe groups act like it. Right-wing terrorism has always been a threat, since the day Obama was elected, and the natural response of people who call themselves “pro-life” is to threaten people with death. Most of them are cowards who jump at every noise in the night and sleep with their guns under their pillow, but there’s always someone who is nutty enough to follow through. A couple have, in fact. So it’s not an exaggeration.

If I called myself a Republican and had these folks on my side I’d be sure as shit embarrassed as hell. But I think that these guys on the right actually think this fringe group can help them win something back in the November elections. Integrity, no, but whatever. We know what matters!

Amazing that they made the healthcare debate into an abortion war. You have to give them credit. Even as 8 years of Bush and 8 years of Reagan failed to do anything for the pro-lifers, they really seem to get invigorated by a Democratic president doing the exact same thing–status quo, all the time. Not a peep from pro-lifers regarding war. Or death penalty issues. You’d almost think that “pro-life” is just another way to keep Republicans in the mix. Without this abortion issue they might be as fringe-y as their followers act. Wait, they are!