MaM Meets Stardeath and White Dwarfs

Get yer tix here, you can still will call it! Should be a doooozy!

The small print: This is an early school night show, doors at 8:30, show at 9PM.
Stardeath and White Dwarfs (10:45PM)
Milk at Midnight (9:45PM)
Tin Tin Can (9PM)


“Three allow-me-to-tell-you-what-you-should-do-with-your-time reasons to do as I say and hippity hop on over to the Subterranean this very evening…

1. Sometimes trolling the internet for shows leads me to discover some pretty lovely local music that has somehow escaped my ears. Such is the case with Chicago’s Milk At Midnight. This stuff is right up my alley (Yes, I have other alleys than just metal ones). Sure, there’s a little old Flaming Lips – You know, when they were a rock band – but more than anything it’s just good old, driving indie rock. Welcome to my ears, Milk At Midnight.”

Ross Meyerson, Loud Loop Press