It’s Not Hard (to Imagine)

The Dick must be wrangled and softened! This sick bastard needs to be taken down one way or the other! There will be no statue erected! Let’s penetrate the mindset of all good Americans with these hopes! We must stand firm and not go limp in the face of adversity! The smoking gun shall come in the form of a mushroom cloud!

I don’t want to see him impeached. I want to see him prosecuted under American and international law as a criminal.

I agree with Sullivan. Sure, Cheney is a war criminal, this much is obvious. Impeachment is too easy. I see it as more of a consolation prize, but let’s go for the big money first. Bet it all on 22! Door number three! But this guy’s argument is pretty solid:

Cheney has dulled political accountability and concocted theories for evading the law and Constitution that would have embarrassed King George III.

Bruce Fein, Slate

Ah, just cuff him and take him away!